Q. Where do I find the reading plan?
A. In the menu above click ‘Men’ or ‘Women’ to find printable reading plans. The plan is also available on a variety of apps as well.
Q. Where do I sign up?
A. No sign up required! But there are Facebook groups above that you are welcome to join.
Q. What do I do if I’m starting late?
A. Start right up with today’s reading! You’ll have a chance to read what you missed in the future.
Q. What if I fall behind schedule?
A. Jump back in! Don’t let guilt or box-checking stop you from reading the Word. If you miss breakfast or lunch, you don’t eat those before eating dinner. Always start with today’s reading. The plan includes catch-up days because we understand real life!
Q. Why are there no readings on Sundays?
We hope you will be worshiping God in a local church, where you will hear the Word both read and preached that day. Membership in the BRC is not meant as a replacement for membership in and accountability to a local church body.
Q. How can I listen on audio?
A. The ChristKirk app and YouVersion app offer audio Bibles. Check out our Apps page for further direction.
Q. Do I have to use a certain translation?
A. No – use whatever translation that you have available and understand. If you want recommendations, many of us use the NKJV or ESV translations.
Q. How long does the reading take?
A. Not as long as you think! To see what we mean, sit down with 2 Timothy and time yourself reading it straight through. In all likelihood it will take a lot less time than you think.
Q. What is a ‘consumable Bible?’
We have encouraged people to grab a cheap paperback Bible—something you don’t mind throwing in the car, stuffing in the diaper bag, writing in, etc. This is especially helpful if your reverence towards your Bible has kept it unopened on a top shelf! Many women’s groups have done Bible covering parties as a kick off event, and our church gives out many paperback Bibles each year for this reason. Read more about consumable Bible here.
Q. Can I make my own Facebook group?
A. Yes! And be sure to check out our resources that you can use.
Q. What does ‘Kirk’ mean?
A. Kirk is a Scots word for church. ‘Kirkers’ are those who belong to the Church universal.